U.S. Ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman on Investing in the United States
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U.S. Ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman, in an interview for SelectUSA, talks about the resilience of the U.S. economy and outlines why Canadian businesses should consider expanding and investing in the United States.
U.S. Ambassador to Chile Michael A. Hammer Highlights the Benefits of Investing in the United States (Part 1)
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U.S. Ambassador to Chile Michael A. Hammer, in an interview for SelectUSA with an introduction in Spanish, addresses Chilean business investors and highlights the benefits and reasons they should invest in the United States.
U.S. Ambassador to Chile Michael A. Hammer Discusses SelectUSA and the Investment Summit (Part 2)
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U.S. Ambassador to Chile Michael A. Hammer talks about the SelectUSA Investment Summit and how SelectUSA can help companies invest in the United States.
U.S. Ambassador to China Max S. Baucus Discusses FDI Into the United States
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U.S. Ambassador to China Max S. Baucus, in an interview for SelectUSA, talks about the importance of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship and discusses reasons why now is the right time for foreign investors to invest in the United States.
Stay tuned for more interviews with U.S. Ambassadors on investing in the USA!