Facilitated Investment Mission
SelectUSA leverages the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (USFCS) network across 72 countries to provide U.S. economic development organizations and jurisdictions with unique international promotion opportunities and access to potential investors. SelectUSA conducts Facilitated Investment Missions (FIMs), designed as a platform where multiple U.S. states, local or regional governments and economic development organizations (EDOs) can connect with foreign firms interested in learning about investment opportunities in the United States. FIMs are often organized as “Invest in the United States” seminars, road shows with multiple venues, or a targeted event alongside a larger industry trade show or conference. FIMs offer participants with market insights, investor connections, one-on-one business appointments, and networking events.
Depending on demand, a FIM may be offered as a fee-based service on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Who May Use This Service:
U.S. state, local or regional governments or economic development entities
How to Locate an upcoming Facilitated Investment Missions or request information:
All upcoming FIMs are posted under ‘upcoming events’, listed on the lower left of the SelectUSA homepage. You can also subscribe to the SelectUSA newsletter to receive regular updates on upcoming events.
For more information you may also click on info@SelectUSA.gov to send us an e-mail. You will be contacted within two (2) business days.
What Happens Next:
If you submit your request for information or assistance by contacting us, we will follow up with you within two (2) business days by a SelectUSA program manager. If you submitted a request to participate in an upcoming FIM, you will be contacted by the FIM coordinator to initiate participation. In all interactions, SelectUSA operates in a geographically neutral manner.