Single Location Promotion
Single Location Promotion events (SLPs) is a fee-based service to develop specific activities for U.S. economic development organizations (EDOs) to help promote a U.S. region as an investment destination.
At the EDO’s request, SelectUSA and U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service (USFCS) in-market experts can develop a customized scope of services—including individual meetings with government representatives and firms identified by the EDO, briefings, events, and other activities—to support its visit. SelectUSA and USFCS can also provide logistical support to host or coordinate events and conferences. Through SelectUSA, cities, states, and regions interested in attracting FDI have access to on-the-ground expertise in 72 countries.
###Who May Use This Service: U.S. state, local or regional governments or economic development entities seeking assistance in planning its activities in a market
###How to Request a SLP: To initiate a SLP through SelectUSA, please click on Contact Us to send us an e-mail. Please note your focus markets, if established. You will be contacted within two (2) business days.
###What Happens Next: After you submit your request for assistance, you will be contacted within two (2) business days by a SelectUSA program manager. The program manager will gather information about your promotion goals, target markets and industries, and engage our Foreign Commercial Service network. You will directly explore the scope of services with the USFCS in-country staff to arrive at a mutually agreeable set of activities and budget.
In all interactions, SelectUSA operates in a geographically neutral manner. USFCS cannot engage in lead generation as part of the SLP.